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The BRIGHT project is the longest, the most complex, the most expensive, and the most ambitious scientific experiment in the history of our company. The mission's name comes from bromatology (food science) and light because of two main experiments performed in a long-term isolation environment. The project is based on simultaneous 3 months of work by the Mission Control
Center, collaborative analytical laboratories, and 2 crews of analog astronauts.

Each analog astronaut crew consists of four participants. Crews will be enclosed in isolation with a sunlight simulator and various types of diets. Each crew will perform twice a 2-week lunar mission and one 2-week Martian mission (6 weeks of isolation in total). The project title in the original language is: "Wpływ diety na zachowanie w warunkach symulacji misji kosmicznej czyli w warunkach izolacji z oświetleniem symulującym światło słoneczne," which means: "The diet influence on behavior in conditions of space mission simulation: isolation with lighting system simulating natural sunlight." The Bright Project is realized in collaboration with the Institute of Bromatology, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, Poland, and with the technical support of QLab.

Patches were designed by our collaborator, graphic designer Sofie Shen

Bright Mission Patch

Sunlight simulator

We are realizing an EU grant to produce a sunlight simulator lighting system, which will be implemented in offices, hospitals, schools, greenhouses, and hopefully in space. Why? To synchronize biological clocks and make living organisms healthier and happier! Because of the patent process, this is just a pictorial image.